Matthew Gray
I've worked at Tabor since 2008. I have a Masters of Theology
from Regent College in Canada, and a PhD from Adelaide
University. My main area of interest is Church history, although
I also have a passion for historical theology, and vocational
Paul Armishaw
My journey with Tabor has stretched over many years and includes both my bachelors and doctorate. My life outside of Tabor is filled with family, reading, writing and my work with REMida Perth.
Diane Harvey
Zoom address
Diane Harvey has a BA Edu (Prim) and graduated from Trinity
Theological College with a Master of Divinity in 2005. For most
of her professional life she has worked for the Department of
Education as a teacher. She is passionate about Practical
Christian Ministry and is the Social Action leader in her church.
Diane enjoys the fullness of life that she has found in Christ.
She is grateful to be working with the students at the Perth
Campus and is looking forward to facilitating this unit for