• Support Staff

    Meet Lyndsey Rice and Amy Chesser, your Support and Success Coaches, and learn more about how they can support you by following this video link:

    2024 Student Support and Success Coaches Introduction.

    Student Success and Well-being Support

    Lyndsey Rice

    Student Support and Success Coach 

    Email: studentwellbeing@adelaide.tabor.edu.au

    Academic Support

    Picture of Amy - smiling because she cares
    Amy Chesser

    Academic Support and Success Coach 

    Email: academicsupport@adelaide.tabor.edu.au


    Two people sitting and facing each other in a counselling session.

    Life Design Counselling is
     a counselling service available to all students at Tabor, with the first three sessions being completely free. Read more here.

    On campus and online

    Email:           life-design@adelaide.tabor.edu.au

    Website:       http://life-design.com.au

    Phone:          8373 8707


    Please note, if you have critical concerns about, and require support with, your own or others' safety and/or well-being on campus or online, please report this below.
    Critical Incident Report.