Support resources:
Use the following tools and strategies when
planning for student learning.
Project Zero - Visible Thinking Routines:
The Thinking Routines toolbox is an extensive collection of
strategies to support students in drawing out and expressing
deeper thinking. Using routines in the classroom establishes
expectations, builds confidence through experience,
and reduces cognitive
load as students become more familiar with the routine. There
are strategies to support group, pair and individual learning.
This is a must have collection for any teacher, as the
strategies are transferrable to any year level and
Bloom's Taxonomy: Bloom's
Taxonomy for Learning: The Cognitive Domain
Bloom's taxonomy is useful to planning learning intentions,
assessment tasks and learning activities, to ensure that
learning is pitched appropriately to support and challenge
students. Diagrams like this one (click here) are
useful to help with brainstorming ideas for unit and lesson
If you're still unsure what Bloom's Taxonomy looks like in
practice, watch this example from Pirates of the