Tabor offers Mahara as a digital portfolio tool for students and alumni. An ePortfolio is a system in which students collate evidence of their lifelong learning. These can include journals, resumes, cover letters, essays/reports, artwork/images, certificates, videos etc. e-Portfolios rely on digital media to make them engaging. Utilising the features and functions of Mahara in interesting and creative ways will go a long way towards your audience engaging with it. At Tabor, Mahara is also used at times as a alternative method of delivering the student's assessment.
If the student uses and populates it well and thoughtfully with
good evidence of their learning and experience, it will be a very
helpful resource when applying for work; the link can be send to
prospective employers.
Please see the following pages in this Mahara section of Help
Centre to find out more about it and how to use it. Note
that the link 'Mahara Digital Guidebook' is an online
book, so use the forward arrows on each page to proceed through
the book.