Tile Name Description
New Students Page Introduction to Tabor Online
Page Navigating a unit site in Tabor Online
Page Connecting to Tabor Wi-Fi
Page How to forget a Wi-Fi network?
Page How to access your emails
Account Access Page I can't login to Tabor Online
Page Setting up Microsoft Authenticator App
Page How do I reset my password?
Study Page Assessment types and requirements
Page Receiving marked assignments and feedback
Page Uploading Written Assignments
Page About Turnitin
Add a file or URL Using AI at Tabor
Page How to upload and submit a video assessment
Page How do I access my current units?
Page What level of study am I doing (Level 5, 7, 8, 9 or 10)?
Page Where do I view my final grades?
Page Access to unit sites after end of semester
Page How long after the lecture do the audio/video recordings appear on my unit site?
Page My assignment/video is too large to upload to Tabor Online - what do I do?
Page How to Copy-Paste text correctly
Page Wiki: Information and how to use
Page Where do I find my textbook list?
Page Where can I get help with assignments/referencing/etc?
Communication Page Student Communication (overview)
Page Forums: Discussion and participation
Page Forum Preferences
Page Forums (New Features)
Page Online Messages
Page Messaging (New Features)
Software & Web Apps Page How do I install Microsoft Office?
Page How do I install Zoom?
Page Sending a Zoom invite to your guest(s)
Page What is OneDrive?
Page What is Mahara?
Add a file or URL Mahara Digital Guidebook

This guidebook is a great resource whether you are creating your first ePortfolio or just need a reminder on how complete a particular step.

The Table of Contents (available on all pages) highlights the key elements in building your ePortfolio. It is best to navigate the list in sequential order but feel free to skip to any section you need specific help with.

All the best with your Mahara journey!

Page Sharing your Mahara ePortfolio to employers/trainers
Book Zotero
Page Jitsi Meet
Forms and Documents Add a file or URL Academic Calendar
Add a file or URL Timetables and Intensives
Add a file or URL Application for Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)
Add a file or URL Change of Enrolment
Add a file or URL Change of Personal Details
Page Request an Extension
Add a file or URL Other Forms
Add a file or URL APA Referencing Guide
Add a file or URL SBL Referencing Guide
Add a file or URL Reference Software
Add a file or URL AI Technology Guidelines
Support Bookings Add a file or URL Tabor Online Help (On-Campus booking)
Add a file or URL Tabor Online Help (Online Booking via Zoom)