About Jitsi Meet

  • Jitsi Meet is a video conferencing platform.
  • Jitsi Meet can be accessible via your web browser (no software install required).
  • Jitsi Meet is FREE to use and no account is required.
  • Unlike Zoom, there is no time limit on your calls (video and/or audio).
  • Jitsi Meet is secure and fully encrypted.
  • Details on creating a meeting and entering a meeting are below.

How to create a meeting

  1. Go to meet.jit.so
  2. Click the book a meeting URL link on the next page (as per screenshot).

  3. Now click on Get me a moderated meeting! button

  4. Click the copy icon, which will copy the Share meeting link for guests

  5. You can paste this link into a calendar or email invite to your guests.

How to enter a meeting

  1. Hosts and guests will be required to click on the meeting link (which was created using the steps in How to create meeting link above)
  2. Please enter your name when prompted and click Join meeting button

    Your browser may request Webcam and Microphone access. Please 'Allow'.
  3. Once in the meeting, you will have access to the following controls at the bottom of your screen (more info below).

Jitsi Meet Controls

  1. Microphone - Mute/Unmute
  2. Webcam - Enable/Disable
  3. Share Screen
  4. Chat
  5. Raise Hand
  6. Participant List
  7. Toggle View options - Speaker or Side-by-side tile view
  8. More options (including Performance Settings)
    Performance Settings - If you have a poor internet connection, please adjust this setting down until you have a stable connection.

  9. End Meeting