Here are some diverse examples of how some aspect of Christian
faith or spirituality can be bought to life on the page.
In most cases, the Christian content is far from obvious. Rather,
each story creatively and imaginatively engages the reader with
characters and events in which we see (and feel) how God was at
work through some lived experience. Sometimes there's a flash of
insight, or an important truth is subtly revealed, sometimes a
question is posed, or else a glimmer of hope may be introduced
after a long season of doubt.
Remember, the best religious writing manages to avoid being
preachy or predictable. Whatever faith experience you have in
mind to write about, think about how all the storytelling
elements featured on this resource page (e.g. character, plot,
dialogue, description etc) can help you grab the reader's
attention, get them to think and feel along with the characters,
and so make a lasting impact.
Entertaining Angels - Danielle Carey